Keith is the founding pastor of Edgewood Baptist Church. He has led the church through four building programs in the 40+ years since Edgewood Baptist started. He and his wife, Debby, have home-schooled their seven children, which have given them 30 grandchildren so far! Keith is passionate about the Christian family and has led our church to emphasize the Bible's teachings about family. He is also very passionate about the community and works tirelessly at building connections with all!
Sarge serves as an Associate Pastor of the Edgewood Baptist Church. Sarge and his wife Bev, have two children and 7 grandchildren. Sarge graduated from Liberty University with a Bachelor of Science in the School of Religion, and a minor in Christian Counseling. Sarge has a heart on fire for Jesus Christ, and is here to serve Him while serving you.
Scott has attended Edgewood Baptist Church since the fall of 1997 when he was a junior in college. There he met Amy and on June 22, 2002 they were married right here at EBC. They have two boys Thomas and Caleb. Scott has served at EBC in capacities such as: Audio Visual Director, Sunday School teacher, and Deacon. Serving on staff since 2014 and joining fulltime in 2016 Scott's focus is youth and family ministry, church technology, and administration. Scott is currently enrolled in The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary pursuing a Discipleship & Family Ministry Masters of Divinity degree.
Amy Tweedle has been one of our Ministry Assistants since 2020. Previously, she served as our Children's Ministry Director. As a Ministry Assistant, Amy manages the day to day operations of the office and assists the Pastors, staff team, lay leaders with their ministries. Amy grew up right here at EBC as a young child and has many fond memories of teachers and members that invested greatly in her life. Knowing the role discipleship played in her own life as a child, teenager and young adult, she's passionate about investing in the lives of others. She leads two small groups for teenage girls and an adults ladies group each week. Amy's biggest ministry and blessing is her family. She's been married to her husband Scott since 2002, they have two children, Thomas and Caleb.
Cindy Vogt has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education and a Master of Educational Administration and Supervision Degree from Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate TN. She is a Certified Biblical Counselor through the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors and has completed continuing education requirements to maintain credentials since 1999. She and her husband Michael have 3 daughters, 9 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. They attended church at Edgewood Baptist throughout the 90's and were blessed with the opportunity to return to service here in January of 2022.
Mike has attended Edgewood Baptist Church since 2017. In February of 2017, Christ came into my heart and changed me into not only being made into the image of God but an adopted child into the Faith, by the blood of Christ. I have been blessed by God to be married to Brandy Lenos for fourteen years and we have three children, AnnieMae, Ethan and Jake Lenos. Brandy and I lead the middle school Sunday school classes as well as she is the Director of the Edgewood Outreach Center. We, my family and I, hold daily reading and prayer, as a family, to our Lord as a top priority in our daily lives. We learn to love one another as He loves us and even though we may fail at this constantly, we know our Lord is there with His arms open and ear tilted towards us to strengthen us through repentance and prayer.
We believe that Jesus is God's one and only Son. He was born of a virgin and lived a sinless life. He performed many miracles, so many that the Bible could not contain them all. Jesus gave His life on a cross for our sins. Jesus died that day. Three days later, God raised Jesus from the dead. After 40 days Jesus was taken to Heaven where He sits at the right hand of God the Father waiting to come and get the believers who follow Him. Who are those?
A: Admit to God that you are a sinner and that you can not make it on your own.
B: Believe that Jesus is God's one and only son, who was sent to earth to save us from our sins.
C: Commit yourself to follow God's Way and living by Jesus' example. Love the Lord your God first and then treat others as yourself.
The Bible says that All who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved" Romans 10:13
A SAMPLE PRAYER: in your own words...
Dear God, Forgive me of my sins (failures or acts against God), I believe that Jesus is Your Son and I am asking Him into my life today. Although I don't understand it all, I believe that You raised Jesus from the dead and I want to follow Him. Please help me today to live for you from now on. Thank You God for saving me! Amen.
Please understand that just saying a prayer like this one does not "save" you. It must be a total transformation of your heart and soul. The Bible says that we become a "new Creation" when we ask Jesus into our hearts. All your sins are forgiven and forgotten by God never to be brought up again. Isn't that wonderful!? You will need to do one more thing. Now wait and please read on. The Bible says that we should not be ashamed of Jesus Christ or the decision that we just made. Jesus says that if we don't confess Him before men, He will not confess to His Father that He knows us. Please don't be embarrassed to admit that you are a new Christian. Tell someone! We would love to be the ones that you tell. We are not looking for new church members and we don't want your money. We just want to rejoice with you. Please find a Bible believing church home and start praying and studying the Bible. If you don't have a Bible, contact us and we will get you one ASAP! If you have a Bible and don't know where to start, try the Gospel of John. It will tell you about Jesus. Then go to the Book of Romans. It will tell you how Christians should live. We also believe that once you have asked Jesus into your heart, if would be impossible for you or anyone else or anything to tear you away from God. Your heart and soul are not revolving doors. Once you ask God into your heart, He stays there. Does that mean you will never sin again or do something wrong? No that means that when you make a mistake, you ask God to forgive you; and He will. Once you are saved, you are always saved. There is a great responsibility that comes with such a great gift. Again, please don't be ashamed of what you have just done. God loves you and so do we!
We believe that the Bible is the inerrant, infallible Word of God. The Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired and is God's revelation of Himself to man. By that, we mean that, "Yes", we take the Bible literally. We do not endorse a translation but rely on the Holy Spirit to lead each person towards what they should study.
We believe that baptism does not "save" anyone, however after asking Jesus into your life, one should be baptized as an outward expression of their faith towards God. Thus showing the world that they are now a follower of Christ. Baptism represents the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We would love the opportunity to speak with you about any questions that you might have concerning our church or your walk with God. Please don't hesitate to contact a staff member or the church office anytime.
The Office is 513-894-8708 or Pastor Keith Risner at 513-375-2428.
Just so you know, we are a Southern Baptist Church who participates in the Co-Operative Program for missions. We are members of the Miami Valley Baptist Association and the State Convention of Baptist in Ohio, based in Columbus.